Regression is discovering and reliving earlier experiences that have caused present complaints and conditions. Regression therapists use relieving techniques to get to forgotten, ignored or repressed experiences that are bothering people, but also to reactivate positive feelings, forgotten positive experiences and unknown talents.
My belief is that therapy is most beneficial when a person is comfortable and at ease. Although many do visit therapists and have obtained successful outcomes, there are also many others that shy away from public contact and formal meetings and therefore never obtain the help that could make that difference.
Long distance therapy does not come without its disadvantages and a person does need to be committed to the sessions and the tasks given however a good rapport and the willingness to persist will lead to the desirable changes.
As each person is unique, so is their ability to receive information. While in session, trust the way you receive it. It will be right and perfect for you.
This varies with each client and issue being addressed. Imagine each issue is much like an onion.
There are layers that need to be peeled away so to get to the “heart.”
For a moment, think of how many years you have held onto an issue and how it has directed your life. It is important to be patient with yourself and the process of hypnosis, so you can gain self-empowerment and the happiness you deserve. How ever many sessions needed will be worth it and you will see this for yourself.
Yes you will be fully awake. Please know that I will offer positive suggestions and self-hypnosis “tools” for you during your session. It is through your receptivity, commitment and dedication to accepting the suggestions and using the “tools” offered that permanent change is maintained.
Hypnosis is not dangerous. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind, rather like a daydream, which everybody experiences every day. Your mind creates the hypnotic state and accepts or rejects any suggestion made by the therapist - at all times your mind is in control and this remains throughout the course of therapy.
There are so many misconceptions about hypnosis that any specific worries you may have are best addressed during the initial chat when I call you for the first time.
I am available for updates , problems and progress made. Also if something is not working for you during the sessions then please let me know so we can collectively work together to make the necessary changes.
All cases are treated with full confidentiality. There are no exceptions. Even close family or friends will not receive any information regarding you nor will anything be discussed mentioning your name or details.
What are Current and Past Life Regression Therapies?
Regression therapy covers past lives and includes current life memories some of which may be below the level of our conscious awareness.
It enables the conflicts from the past that have been distorting our mental, emotional and physical well-being to be resolved. An example from the current life may be a phobia and a more complex one Post Traumatic Stress from childhood trauma or a life threatening situation. The symptoms may include panic attacks, emotional outbursts, blocked feelings, self harm, numbness, unexplainable physical pain or recurring relationship problems.
The therapy works by going to the root of the problem and includes body therapy to transform it in a way that is both safe and structured. Regression therapy reaches further and heals deeper at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels than most other therapeutic approaches.
It has been said that we are the product of our experiences. Our actions or reactions are often influenced by experiences from suppressed memories in this life or past lives.
The subconscious mind works in numerous ways. It blocks out painful memories, hurt or any form of guilt, physical effects and residual energy of painful experiences can remain in the body as blockages, therefore it makes sense that these suppressed feelings do need protection from being experienced again.
Unless subconscious wounds are healed, they can influence every aspect of our lives, thoughts, emotions and behavioural patterns, therefore by gently working through and releasing these barriers it enables us to realize our true potential by becoming who we are - our true selves.
People come for Past Life Regression Therapy for many different reasons.
The main ones are:
●To access a age regression in this current life to undergo an understanding
●To access past lives in order to improve your present life
● To allay anxiety or fear that has no basis in your present life
● As an alternative / information about a physical problem that hasn't responded to treatment
● To explore a potential new career, life path or interest
● To resolve a sense of bad karma
● For clearing relationship karma
● For enlightenment
● To find a soul-mate, friends, or lover
● For guidance in karma cleansing
● To learn more about life after death or life between life
● To glimpse possibilities for your life in the future
● For more information about past life memories
● As part of your personal growth or spiritual growth
● To see other lifetimes when you may have known people you know in this life
● To satisfy your curiosity
They have a Interest - Many enjoy the experience of tracing their past lives purely out of curiosity. Certain past experiences can be pieced together with great detail, producing names, dates and places. Of these details have been researched and authenticated, resulting in some fascinating literature on the subject.
Understanding of Oneself - Exploring your past lives offers a whole new dimension to the understanding of your own character. You realise for the first time why you are drawn to certain places or have a particular interest in something.
Close Bonds and Relationships - Quite often, groups of interacting souls reincarnate and take on the role of relatives, friends or even rivals. Many people believe this happens so as to balance the laws of karma, which is caused by individual’s behaviour towards each other. Have you ever met someone for the first time and feel as though you have known them all your life?
Repressed Thoughts leading to therapy - Our character today represents a culmination of all the experiences we have had over numerous lifetimes. These past life traumas affect many aspects of our behaviour, and in some cases create psychological problems therefore, past life therapy can release repressed thoughts and bring about a beneficial change.
What is meant by 'Bespoke' services?
This means that although the regression therapies are offered as three different services, what you receive is tailored according to your needs and requirements.
Which regression therapy is best for your current situation?
Usually when clients contact me they usually outline what their problem is and know what they are looking for as they have exhausted many other avenues prior to contacting me. If you are unsure however then please do not worry as we will discuss the options during our initial communications.