Future Progression Therapy with Zaara
Telephone Session 50 Minutes
Future Life Progression (FLP) is a captivating technique that allows individuals to explore potential future scenarios, offering a glimpse into their possible destinies.
Unlike Past Life Regression, which delves into past lives, FLP provides a firsthand experience of future possibilities, making them feel more tangible and potentially accelerating their realisation.
As a therapist, I can guide you through FLP under hypnosis to visualize various future outcomes. This insight can help you make informed decisions regarding your health, lifestyle, relationships, and prosperity.Imagine peering into your future to discover your potential spouse, residence, or ideal career.
FLP not only provides this foresight but also allows you to bring back future skills and wisdom to enhance your present life.Despite its powerful potential, FLP has been underutilized as a tool for guidance and empowerment.
Here are some ways FLP can benefit you:
Improve every area of your life.
Find "the one"—your soulmate.
Unlock your inner genius to write a novel, play, song, or script.
Make insightful decisions at work.
Anticipate economic trends for business and employment.
Examine recurring issues across your past, present, and future.
Connect with your soul and discover your true essence.
Look into your next lifetime to understand your evolution.
With FLP, you can harness the knowledge and insights of your future self to enrich your present, paving the way for a more fulfilling and successful life.