"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly"- Proverb
" I found your astro chart reading is scarily accurate....! "
" I feel happy after my intuitive counselling sessions with Zaara. She seems to know how to make me feel empowered"
" Zaara has a soothing voice and her hypnotherapy techniques are impactful and they work"
"Wow, some real revelations and so thoughtfully expressed by your good self. Fascinated to know how you learnt this field. I come from 9 generations of Ayurvedic healers who also knew Vedic Astrology as the norm for that profession and so I've always somehow had a keen interest in the field and met many a vedic astrologer through the years. What I have witnessed is, it is one thing knowing the science of Vedic astrology but it takes a deep spirituality in being able to understand it and interpret it to use it for positive change and purpose. So thank you Zaara - for you are clearly one of the very few gifted and soulful practitioners in this field".
" Thank you for the eye opening analysis report. I am in awe. How did you know me so well "
"I guess getting a reading with you has made me to understand myself much much better in the most profound way. Also getting reading from you makes me feel like you know me truly compare to many friends that I may have knew for years that probably know nothing at all about me"
"I really want to thank you for all the advice and support and i will continue to bother you with other aspects of my life "
"I will continue to hold you in my thoughts and bless you continuously for everything you have given advised me on. You are an amazing being with great talents if I could support you in anyway please let me know as I owe a lot to you... More than you can imagine.."
"Thank you so much for our work together, it definitely got something extremely important in motion and I am determined to get down to the bottom of this "