Age Regression with Zaara
Telephone Consultation 50 Minutes
Hypnotic age regression is a powerful hypnosis technique used to help clients recall past events and the associated perceptions and feelings that impact their current issues. This process involves placing the client in a deeply relaxed, hypnotic state and guiding them to remember or relive earlier experiences.
By regressing to a previous age or significant event, clients can identify the origins of their emotional issues and even recover lost memories. This can be particularly useful for recalling forgotten details, such as a lost item, an important pin number, or details of a witnessed car crash or crime.
The gentle process involves the client sitting comfortably with their eyes closed while the therapist uses visualisation techniques to guide them back to an earlier stage in life.
This often results in a much clearer memory of the experience, allowing the client to re-examine and possibly change their perception of it.
Ultimately, this newfound information and insight enable the client to reinterpret their current situation, leading to healing and personal growth.